The novel "All Quiet on the Western Front", by Erich Maria Remarque, tells the story of a young German soldier named Paul Baumer, during the First World War. The novel told of bloody battles and the struggle for survival. The story begins during the war at the front, most of the novel is based here, with the exception of the flashbacks, and the time it was written. Over the course of the story Paul becomes a veteran of the private inexperience he was. Throughout the story he made new friends with his fellow soldiers and bonded with his high school classmates. Paul and his friends joined the army thanks to the influence of their teacher, Kantorek. They begin their training with Corporal Himmelstoss, who is said to be a cruel and mean person. After experiencing training with Himmelstoss and life at the front, they begin to have second thoughts. Now young people are starting to leave scared and don't see the war as honorable as they once did. After two weeks at the front, when they return from leave, the men discover that there is more than enough food for everyone. Therefore, they can enjoy a hearty meal. We later find out that it's because only eighty of the one hundred and thirty-five men had survived. During their leave Paul and his friends went to visit another friend of theirs, Kemmerich, a boy with whom they had gone to school. Kemmerich was in the hospital because he had gangrene; therefore he had to have his leg amputated. This is also causing him to die slowly. Kemmerich had a pair of boots that were precious to him and even his friends seemed to think they were something special. Since he can't use boots, Muller would like to have them. Paul is now learning to disconnect himself and his sad emotions and does not even consider Muller insensitive. Not long after Paul visits Kemmerich, this time he visits him on his deathbed. Before dying Kemmerich tells Paul that he wishes Muller had the boots, Paul being a noble person brings the boots to Muller. I'm back in front and a group of new recruits arrive..