All injury records will be kept on file for a minimum of three years. Food and safety/sanitation: I can't think of it. Cosh/chemicals - doesn't come to mind. All first aid kits are stored throughout the gym. The kitchen, the administrator and the general manager have first aid kits on the first floor, then we have another one in the gym, they are all well stocked. They are not supplied with anything that the First Aid Officer has not been trained to use, so will not contain medications such as creams, lotions and medications, again the First Aid Officers are Kate Collins, Steph Hallett, Cerys John and Ruth Tucker . There is always a first aid attendant on duty. If medical treatment was required and I was on duty, my role would be to call 999 and ask the emergency service to send an ambulance giving the address and nature of the injury. The nearest hospital is: Royal Gwent Hospital Cardiff road Newport Gwent NP20 2UB Fire Action