Not only that, but I also think it's suspenseful because there are pages full of nonsense in the middle of the "good" parts. Eoin Colfer's writing style is very informative as he tells every little detail of the story. This is true in this excerpt “…the rubber seal gave way with a hiss, the pod was definitely not built for comfort. The interior looked as if 3,000,000 tourists had ensured that every square inch was covered in rot...". If I had to rate this book on a scale of one to ten, I would give it a 5. I would give it a five because it started to get boring. Reading all the material in between the action made the book a boring suspense thriller. I liked the action bits where the Leps took out lasers and tried to shoot the butler, just before their heads got smashed in by the troll. There weren't enough fight scenes where Artemis was actually in danger because she always had some electronic device monitoring the area to make sure there were no bad guys. In action I would give this book a 3/10 because there were no real big shootouts. In graphics I would give it a 7/10 due to the absolutely intense descriptions. In the "game" I would give it a 4/10 because the game would be too difficult with all the clever things you would have to do. But overall it was an OK book but it wasn't mine