This Blessed House by Jhumpa Lahiri is a short story that follows a small period of time in the lives of two characters. Newlyweds Sanjeev and Tanima, aka Twinkle, who have known each other for just four months, find it difficult to adjust to married life. They both have very different personalities, a theme Lahiri continually references throughout the story. Their conflict comes to a head when Twinkle begins finding Christian relics throughout the house. Sanjeev wants to throw away the relics, but Twinkle collects them on her cloak and displays them at every opportunity. As a character, Sanjeev is unadventurous and demanding, while Twinkle is a free spirit and doesn't care about the finer details. The root of the conflict between Jhumpa Lahiri's characters, Sanjeev and Twinkle in "This Blessed House", is the clash of their two very different personalities in a situation that forces them together. Of Sanjeev and Twinkle, Sanjeev is the one with the personality that craves order. . Jhumpa Lahiri spends a lot of time showing the reader how much attention Sanjeev pays to organization and cleanliness. The reader is introduced to Sanjeev as he kneels “on the floor, marking, with bits of torn post-it notes, patches on the baseboard that needed to be touched up with paint” (Lahiri 53). A reader might consider this seemingly challenging science of marking the parts of the floor that need touching up as a normal activity for the new homeowner. Later in the story, however, Lahiri writes that Sanjeev organizes "his MIT engineering texts in alphabetical order on a shelf..." (Lahiri 54) and works his way "methodically through the major composers recommended by the catalogue... ” (Lahiri 60). . Suddenly the innocuous Post-it notes and the methodical way Sanjeev places them on the rough spots on the floor seem like an attempt to correct every little imperfection. Sanjeev keeps his life as orderly and precise as possible. He tries to control his life by controlling things around him, such as organizing his books or following a list of composers, instead of choosing names at random. Twinkle, compared to Sanjeev, is a free spirit. While Sanjeev has only been married once, Twinkle is on her second marriage, and her first was to an “American who had tried and failed to become an actor” (Lahiri 57). Twinkle married an American, one who didn't even have a real job; this is different from the more traditional Sanjeev who first married an Indian woman.