The migrants did not want to become homeless due to their own prejudices. They didn't want to consider that those "bums" were unlucky or contributed to not wanting to work, rather than not being able to find a job. Still other hypotheses, labeled the farmer as a contributor to the events of the Dust Bowl by over-plowing their lands. Having a support system during the move (i.e., support from other family members) supported the success of these individuals. Misunderstandings occurred. Other factors were not contributing to the migrant crisis. Prejudices labeled both of these classes of individuals and placed blame elsewhere. Some blamed the banks, while others blamed the invention of the tractor which replaced migrant workers. Historians have taken a step back to evaluate significant historical facts and eliminate non-historical facts. They used statistics to evaluate them. The censuses have opened a different perspective, corroborated by facts, rather than prejudices and assumptions. Evaluating census numbers from 1910 to 1970 showed that the migration began well before the Dust Bowl. While it may have been a contributing factor, it was not the only factor. An objective look at what else was going on