A person must be careful and prudent when taking care of patients. To be careful and prudent, a person needs to seek help when he needs it. They suspend or revise judgment as indicated by new or incomplete data (LeFevre, 2012). In nursing if you don't know how to do something you have to be able to stay alert and ask for help when you need it so the situation doesn't get worse. I am careful whenever I take medicine when I am sick and try not to mix different medicines or alcohol while taking one. My most important characteristic that I strongly possess is sensitivity to diversity. A diversity-sensitive person expresses appreciation for human differences related to values, culture, personality, or learning style preferences and adapts to preferences when possible (LeFevre, 2012). Working in a medical field a nurse will have to deal with different races. If my patient is from a different country and her culture has different ways of eating. I will let her eat the food her parents bring her as long as it doesn't go against the hospital's food and drug policy. As long as he starts eating and gets better, he can eat whatever he wants. Being open and impartial is when a person can tolerate different points of view and is able to question how one's opinions influence thinking (LeFevre, 2012). In a medical environment, you are dealing with different perspectives of many highly intelligent people, and a nurse must be open-minded to different points of view when working in this environment. I am open-minded whenever I encounter different points of view in our weekly discussion because I like to learn new ways to solve a problem