Why is it important for parents to make wise decisions? It is important because these choices not only affect them but also affect their children. Parents and guardians are vital to children's development and growth. Parents play a crucial role at every stage of childhood and can play a positive role in helping them get the best out of life. The simplest decisions in a parent's life could harm a child's life. That's why the way parents raise their children plays an important role and has different effects on their children's lives. All parents have different opinions on how they should raise their children and different parenting methods. While having children may mean “doing what comes naturally,” being a good parent is much more complicated. All a child seeks is lots of love and support, but there is so much more that goes hand in hand with the job you do as a parent. Parenting should involve spending time with your children, chatting with them every day, teaching them right and wrong. , teaching them good manners, teaching them to share, loving them, playing with them, teaching them what respect is and establishing moral values in them. (Lane) Not only does a parent take on the title of role model, but they also take on the role of the most important teacher their child will encounter in their life. Teaching them love, honor and respect is just the beginning. Many parents don't seem to understand that they are shaping our next generation and that our children are taking what they learn at home and what they learned growing up and applying it to their lives and how they will raise their children. Children are said to imitate what they hear and see their parents or other adults around them do and say. A good example is... middle of paper......Nov. 2009Manders, Willeke A. “Perception of Problem Behavior in Adolescent Families: Perceiver, Target, and Family Effects.” Journal of Youth and Adolescence,0047-2891 (2009), 11. Web. November 10, 2009.Noonoo, Jemimah. “Some parents make daily sacrifices for their children.” (2009): 1.Rutter, M. & Stroufe, L. (2000). Developmental psychopathology: concepts and challenges. Development and Psychopathology, 12, 265-296. Network. November 10, 2009. Seibel, Nancy L. “Child Care as a Context to Help Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect.” Exchange: The magazine of early childhood leaders since 19780164-8527 (2006): 3 Web. November 10, 2009Shors, Benjamin. “Working to find answers: Through a combined community effort, we can make changes in children's lives.” Spokesman-Review, The (Spokane, WA) (2007): 5. MAS Ultra School Edition. EBSCO. Network. November 11. 2009