Topic > Cognitive continuum theory: the lens model: theories...

It is widely recognized in nursing literature that there are two models of decision making: the information processing model (“analytical model”); and the intuitive-humanist model (“intuitive model”) (Banning, 2008). The analytical model supports a nurse basing a decision on examining rational logic while the intuitive model marks the transition from advisor to expert, with the expert able to rely on their own experience to guide their actions, similarly to Carper's “ways of knowing” (1978). . However, it is important to remember that intuition is based on a thought that a nurse may not remember out of the moment, which calls into question the accuracy of using intuitive judgment alone. Many studies rely on participants' recall and conclude that in reality nurses often use a combination of reasoning patterns to arrive at a decision. The combination of reasoning models is more suited to heuristics, where a complex decision can be simplified through the use of experiential knowledge (Benner et al, 1996). It has been shown in qualitative studies that nurses rely on heuristics to make decisions quickly and efficiently (Cioffi et al, 2005; Simmons et al.