Supporters of a diverse gender identity argue that a society that operates using binary gender norms places unwarranted hatred and stress on individuals who do not fit neatly into the binary of man and woman, being “challenged, chastised, or cajoled into normativeness” (Ehrensaft, 2015). In Ehrensaft's article “Boys Will Be Girls, Girls Will Be Boys” she proposes that there are at least nine gender identities. Those that are; “transgender, gender fluid, gender prius, gender taurus, proto gay, proto transgender, gender queer, gender smoothie, and gender oreo.” Ehrensaft indicates that while the list may seem extensive, it is likely to be lacking much more. As a psychiatrist, he has worked with many families who are working to deal with a gender non-conforming child. In many cases these children have attempted suicide due to feelings of alienation and hatred coming from the outside