I. IntroductionThe support and defense of human rights has been one of the fundamental principles of the United Nations. Since its founding in 1945, the United Nations has worked to preserve the basic human rights and fundamental freedoms it believes are deserved by every man, woman and child on the planet. Over the nearly seventy years of the United Nations' existence, the United Nations has been challenged by a series of questions, events and claims regarding the possible violation of human rights. To combat these claims, the body has created two organizations that deal with human rights issues. The first, the Human Rights Commission, was the original organisation, founded in 1946. The Commission existed until March 2006, when it was disbanded amid controversy and criticism of its member states with poor record on human rights, and was consequently replaced with the Human Rights Commission. Human Rights Council. Ironically, the Human Rights Council is now the subject of debate and criticism. The Council now faces a controversy eerily similar to that of its predecessor: member states have poor human rights records. Allegations have been made, which will be examined as part of this investigation, accusing the Human Rights Council of investigating violations of human rights in a political system, and not just for the support and protection of said human rights. This brings to the fore a question: has the United Nations failed in its resolve to uphold and defend human rights? This investigation aims to answer this question. The investigation of this question is significant in the overall protection of human rights. While there is structure and methods to analyze and intervene on behalf of rights and the United Nations. March 1998. http://www.un.org/cyberschoolbus/humanrights/about/history.asp (accessed 16 December 2011). United Nations Human Rights Council. “Examination of reports submitted by States Parties pursuant to Article 19 of the Convention.” Concluding observations of the Committee against Torture. Geneva, 21 November 2008.—. Human Rights Council complaints procedure. 2007. http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/chr/complaints.htm (accessed 8 January 2012). United Nations Human Rights Council. “Institutional Strengthening of the United Nations Human Rights Council.” 2007.United Nations. The United Nations and the Culture of Peace. and http://unac.org/peacecp/factsheet/role.html (accessed December 16, 2011). "Universal Declaration of Human Rights". December 10, 1945.Zhisui, Doctor Li. The Private Life of Chairman Mao. New York: Random House, 1994.