Previous research in the area of sprint performance has focused on what type of training can be done to improve performance (Whitney et al., 2005). A common method used is the repeated practice of running a sprint (Edge et al., 2005). This induces a learning effect; this learning effect is the improvement of performance through continuous repetitions (Gibala et al., 2006). An alternative training method used by coaches for training purposes is the use of resistance training to increase skeletal muscle strength, the hamstring group, gluteus maximus and adductor maximus are considered the most important skeletal muscles in the production of speed (Delecluse, 2006). High-velocity strength training uses exercises that train muscles to recruit faster motor units (Delecluse et al., 1998). The motor units that can produce the fastest contractions are the neuromuscular pathways that will develop to allow a rapid response to signals that induce muscle contractions (Wilmore et al., 2008). Other training methods include the use of resistance sprints. These resistance sprints will use equipment such as tow sleds, resistance parachutes, or weighted vests. The use of this equipment can increase resistance and help produce an increased stress on the muscle and a training effect without affecting the athletes' sprint kinematics (Duthie, 2006). Sprinting is classified into phases: the acceleration phase (0-10 m), the maximum running speed phase (36-100 m) and an intermediate transition phase (Delecluse, 1997). Other inclusions in an athlete's training regimen may include the use of Olympic lifts. These techniques have been shown to increase muscle power and strength, to a greater extent than weight lifting or breathing...... middle of paper...... in the eccentric phase, the more energy is available to be used in the concentric phase; thus allowing more work to be done in the concentric phase. Mechanism three, Strength Enhancement, suggests that the cross bridges that form may have increased power output as a result of prior training. This only occurs in muscles of long length as it affects the amount of cross bridges that can be formed. The fourth and final mechanism is the suggestion that a stretch reflex may be induced by the stretching force of the muscle at the onset of the SSC. The use of the strength shortening cycle is also in effect in Olympic weightlifting movements. The purpose of this study would be to investigate the intervention of Olympic lifting into the training regime of athletes and observe the effect of performance improvement through the use of the intervention.