They believe that it is not the consumers' fault for buying these products, but rather large corporations and fast food chains. In the article “Don't Blame the Eater” by David Zinczenk he describes how easy it was for him to gain weight because he was always eating fast food. Growing up, she remembers that there was nothing healthy that she could eat easily and that was also convenient. He argues that while fast food, which is cheap and plentiful, is unhealthy for people, there is no other option that is healthier and cheaper than a convenient fast food restaurant. Zinczenk reports: “Drive down any thoroughfare in America and I guarantee you will see one of our country's more than 13,000 McDonald's restaurants (392). Yes, fast food restaurants are very accessible, but mini-marts are also very accessible. This doesn't mean we have to buy alcohol or tobacco three times a day just because they're affordable. Just because you find a fast food restaurant on every corner doesn't mean you have to buy an oversized double cheeseburger combo instead of a salad. Ultimately the only one to blame is the consumer, not the companies that make the products, consumers need to be aware of what they put into their