In the cyclical argument he concluded that generations were only in straight lines; there were no element circles. The theory of memory is an abstract idea. Absolute equality does not exist in the universe; he concluded that something must have existed before birth. Socrates concluded with the argument from the affinity of the form of life that the soul is the form of life or cause of life. The Theory of Forms is the most important aspect that carries forward Socrates' thesis. The Theory raises particular philosophical problems that encourage people to think in abstract ways of understanding propositional knowledge. The Theory of Forms is an abstract idea that leads towards infinite directions; leads to a circularity that never ends. A Form is behind every concept or object and is invisible. Plato believes that the Forms are connected to each other because every human being has an immortal soul to evaluate the combinations of the types. We may recognize the reality of the invisible sides through our rational thinking and generalize similar objects into a single category. The characteristic of a Form is immutable, eternal and