The qualitative research method was used for this study, demonstrated by qualifying the data and generalizing the results of a sample of the population of interest. This method was described in the book Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches by W. Lawrence Neuman. Neuman provided examples of experiments, surveys, content analyses, and hypotheses in his book. A qualitative research study involves relationships within the data. Descriptive statistics determine the accuracy of the conclusion. If the data are internally and externally valid and the study constructs are valid, the conclusion is likely accurate. Possible conclusions concern whether a hypothesis is true or false. The DMIN used causal relationships within the data, which were calculated with a certain degree of accuracy and reliability. A computerized study was used in this research. It was easier to determine the benefit of the study, but the improvement may have been due to another variable, such as different test questions. The study group consisted of ten participants and the age range was: • Five were in their twenties • One was twenty-two years old • One was thirty years old • Three were in their forties For a participant in their twenties, pain for his loss seemed "bizarre". The 30-year-old felt “it wasn't my time”. A forty-year-old asked, “Why me?” The data confirmed a difference in how different age groups deal with grief and loss. The qualitative research method used is demonstrated by qualifying the data and generalizing the results from a sample of the population of interest. The goal of this research project was to provide accurate answers to questions related to emotional disorders in subjects between the ages of twenty and forty. Also, a... stage in the middle of the card. Normal feelings include: • If only we had sought medical care sooner... • If only we had gotten a second opinion from another doctor about our loved one's health... • If only we had tried to be a better person towards them all 'beginning... The example used was that of the wife of a terminally ill spouse, who tried to bargain with God by saying, "If you let him live, I will never be angry with anyone again and I will go to church every Sunday." But even in the lowest moments of desperation, reality eventually begins to invade the psyche and the person realizes that they cannot stay in that deep, dark hole forever. Therefore, part of the bargaining process includes finding realistic things the grieving person can use or do to keep themselves occupied. During this process, mourners adopt many attitudes and experiments to see if doing these things helps the situation in any way..