The Industrial Revolution is known as a fundamental change that occurs in a society when its economy stops relying on agriculture and becomes dependent on industry. The main characteristics of the industrial revolution are divided into three: technological, socioeconomic and cultural aspects. Technological changes include the use of new materials such as iron, steel, new energy sources such as coal, and driving forces such as the steam engine. Among the social and cultural changes, the increase in the urban population, the development of the working class and workers' movements are notable. And the dramatic growth of scientific and technical knowledge (such as the enslavement of people through the use of machines, the development of wars, bombs and tanks, the creation of industries that had previously begun to dominate the agricultural system ). Contamination and a significant system of human exploitation for many years...) Without a doubt a great revolution. Several consequences emerged from the IR. From the moment of illustration and the emergence of industrial societies, modernism begins. There is no longer a system where kings reign and there is massive migration from rural areas causing cities to start growing. People began to use oil industrially. Oil causes the world population to grow dramatically. The capitalist system, the result of the industrial revolution, is a system based on the mass deployment of the workforce. This increased the gap between people who did not have productive resources and those who did. In other words, this system made the poor poorer and the rich richer. The industrial system has generated a truly significant increase in the workforce. The population began... in the middle of the card... you. But everything is distributed among a small part of the population, while the other larger part continues to grow and tries to access the market with less pleasant jobs and in some cases with crime. What this system brought about by the industrial revolution really generated was consumerism as a priority and not as a resource for life. In this sense, consumption begins to become superfluous. And things that are not indispensable begin to be acquired while before the revolution only what was necessary was produced. Following the new structure of work established with the industrial revolution, society begins to fragment based on the economic structure that this new form of capitalist consideration offers to society and to those who have to sell their workforce. This consideration becomes a necessity that people did not have before this period of changes.