Roman Catholic theology includes the teachings of the Catholic Church which bases its conclusions on Scripture and Sacred Tradition, as interpreted by the Magisterium. There are things in Roman Catholic theology that are set in stone, like God is Triune. That Jesus Christ is the Son of God and has both a divine and human nature. These teachings have been around for years and are always taught in the Catholic Church. What is God? Who is God? These are the questions that must first be answered to fully understand the Catholic doctrine of the Trinity. God is self-existent, which means He is a necessary being. It is impossible that He does not exist, and God's existence does not depend on anything else; It is independent of everything else. God is not just a being, but Being itself, His is existence itself. Its true nature is being. God is also Creator of the universe, of all time and all space. We, His creation, share existence with God alone. We depend on God for our existence, which means that not only does God create the universe but also keeps the universe in existence every second, giving Him the title of being the most powerful. Saint Augustine of Hippo once invoked God saying: “O Most High and Best, omnipotent, merciful and most just, profoundly hidden and almost present” (CP3 14). This not only proves that God is powerful but also transcendent and immanent. The fact that God is transcendent means that He is infinitely beyond, above and outside the universe and all things. The fact that God is transcendent demonstrates that God is independent of all His creation. However, because God is immanent, God shares intimacy with His creation. God is present in the universe and in all things. Pseudo-Dionysius does a great job describing God… middle of paper… Sus was a separate person from the Son. And the Son dwelt only in the human Jesus. Finally 20 years later, at the Council of Chalcedon, the teaching of Monophysitism, which stated that there is only one nature in Christ, was rejected. Catholic doctrine, however, accepted the hypostatic union. The hypostatic union is the union of human and divine natures in one divine person: Jesus Christ. The hypostatic union is the result of the Incarnation. Jesus Christ is the Son of God, who has both a divine and human nature and helps spread the Word of God. Trinity means we are never alone. And we are never truly alone because God is present in us and in all creation. It is a fountain of love that pours into us. He makes himself known when his Son becomes man. The Son who died on the cross for us, the one who took our humanity and united it with his divinity.