in scenes his structures communicated what society was doing and what it believed. Hadrian did things, promoted them heavily, and this is represented through the visual language of his buildings. Depictions of famous historical scenes, sculptures of his generous self, and simple actions like these encouraged the growth of the community and overall work to bring all of society together. The architecture of the Pantheon is a distinct mark of the influence of imperial architecture. Although designed and renovated in stages, this architectural structure refers to the imperial style but is unique in the sense that it blends other aspects of design together. The Pantheon is a sacred space for all and its size and scale have made it one of the most influential structures left from ancient Rome. Theories say that the purpose of this structure was to be a temple for all the gods. The circular nature is like that of the Knights of the Round Table to illustrate the balance of power conveyed by structural organization. The building, especially the dome, is architecturally revolutionary compared to the historical period. The fact that it is still standing demonstrates the Romans' skill and expertise in designing and creating an atmosphere that could not be built. This work of art is an indication of the type of culture and control that took place during the time of the Roman Empire. The Romans appreciate what the Empire is doing for their state. They recognize the cultural and social value of conquering other regions. When these ideas are applied to the physical architecture of the community, culture moves forward. Society benefits because the drawings and sculptures included evoke feelings of triumph and success... in the middle of paper... people, like that of the computer and cell phone. Reading the visual language of the structures of the Roman Empire provided awareness of the times and provided information to society. Looking at ancient civilizations today, we can only recognize their creative nature as sophisticated art and design capable of facilitating life culture and social platforms. Their network provided a number of different structures that helped establish and maintain diversity in Roman society. Rome and its provinces were structurally visual representations of society's beliefs, values and tensions. Through its architecture the Empire demonstrated a vast cultural heritage and this means of communication helped connect everything in society together. Rome was able to maintain a sense of order throughout the Empire with its vision of creating a distinctive urban form.