It is a great honor to write a letter of recommendation for Alejandra Galaviz. I have known Alejandra for three years in the academic field. She was one of my top Spanish students three years ago and has always motivated other students to succeed as well. For the past two years she has been my most trusted teacher's assistant. She is one of the most mature, helpful, reliable, and trustworthy students I have taught in my 12 years of public teaching. As a public high school teacher, I have seen hundreds of students come in and out of my classroom over the past 12 years, and Alejandra is in the top 1% of students who have had a positive impact on me. I can't say enough about his character and integrity. She is resilient and has been an encouragement to me and countless other students and teachers, on and off campus. We will miss his positive presence next year. Alejandra is a dynamic person with integrity, sincerity and self-motivation. She was born in Nochistlan, Zacatecas. Her family moved legally to the United States when she was two years old. At the age of three her father was no longer a part of her life and her mother became a single mother of five children. His mother struggled to make ends meet, working long, difficult hours and earning only minimum wage. I know that Alejandra looks up to her mother and sister as role models as they ignited the process and showed Alejandra that she can accomplish great things despite extreme odds. Alejandra's dream career is to become a registered nurse and I am confident that she will not only become an RN, but will be one of the best nurses due to her diligence and intrinsic motivation. She is very competitive and always strives to do her best in everything... middle of the road... overall and her willingness to put herself out there contributes to the positive atmosphere we have here on this campus. I overheard many other teachers saying good things about Alejandra as well. My colleagues praised her resilience to challenges, her diligence in all her subjects, her determination to complete tasks, her fun-loving spirit, attention to detail, and her positive attitude, just to name a few. The students also speak highly of her. She is an effective communicator, a leader, a citizen of the world and, overall, a dynamic person. I have seen Alejandra thrive in her academic life and personal life over the past few years. Alejandra's dedication to public education, combined with her generous and kind-hearted personality, will make her an incredibly valuable asset to any university. I highly recommend Alejandra Galaviz for this scholarship!