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Geek WeeklyTired of boring, homogeneous tech news addressed in layman terms? Subscribe to Geek Weekly magazine!!Geek Weekly: Not Your Mother's Computer MagazineThis is not just another generic technology periodical marketed bluntly towards every computer user in North America. No, this is a magazine just for you, the true geek, who craves rich, creamy tech news, at the speed of technology: tasty, up-to-date reviews and reports, delivered every week. Geek Weekly features all the latest industry news, a comprehensive video game tips and reviews section, and editorial reviews of the latest gadgets and hardware, written by geeks just like you (except these geeks are good writers). With each dweeb certified edition, you will receive a CD-ROM included with the 650 with the latest and greatest demos and utilities. If you are still not convinced, consult a doctor. But first, read on. How much does this amazing magazine that satisfies all my geeky urges cost, you say? You'll be pleased to know that for a limited time we're offering a 12-month Geek Weekly subscription at more than 65% off the annual newsstand cost of $98.45. That's 52 issues plus special holiday supplements for just $31.95. We know what you want. We give you what you want. This magazine has it all. Sure, you could waste hours every day collecting snippets of information from the Internet that could be equivalent to what you would have read on the cover of last September's Geek Weekly, but let's face it; even if you are a geek, you have no time to waste. You'd rather browse eBay or play Unreal against an Australian guy. So make it easy for yourself! Sign up for Geek Weekly and get an update on all your friends. Oh, and when they ask you for a subscription card for one of your numbers, be nice and give it to them so they can subscribe, because we want to make more money.