Although most women in the 21st century obtain a college degree and enter the workforce rather than being the stereotypical housewife, gender roles between men and women have not changed in mind of the majority. It is still believed that there is more advantage to being a man than a woman. From the physical to the intellectual domain, many men and women believe in this façade that being a man is significantly more desirable. Not that women want to be men, although sometimes that is the case, but women want the same benefits and respect that you get from being a man. Women do, in fact, have more power in the workforce and more men can be found running their homes, but there are still social expectations that drive the idea of what it means to be male or female. Charlotte Perkins Gilman's short story The Yellow Wall Paper portrays gender roles in the Victorian era. The narrator is a woman suffering from postpartum depression. She turns to her husband and doctor, John, and he ignores the presence of mental illness and prescribes the rest cure saying that she has only "slight hysterical tendencies"....