“And they (women) have rights similar to those (men) over them justly… (Surah Al Baqarah 2-228) Islam is a religion of peace, equality and tolerance. Discusses life issues regarding politics, academia, social, economics and spirits. Furthermore, there are also rights and duties for men and women to act according to Islamic teachings for their prosperity in this world as well as in eternal life. Regarding women's rights in Islam, non-Muslims interpret Islamic teaching incorrectly, partly due to a lack of understanding; however, it is also partly due to the misconduct of some Muslims in Muslim countries. Non-Muslim society thinks that women in Islam have no freedom. Men are dominant and women are submissive to their father, brother, husband or son. According to Islamic teachings, Muslim women possess freedom. They have the right to acquire an education, choose a career and select a life partner. The first example was set by Khadija. She was the lady who liked Muhammad (PBUH) and asked him to marry her. Muhammad (PBUH) accepted her proposal and married her. In fact, they even have the right to take Khula (the Muslim woman's right to divorce her husband in Islam) in the worst circumstances. Furthermore, there are no restrictions for women to work and hold leadership positions. In history, there are famous Muslim scholars, philanthropists and rulers. Muhammad's first wife, Khadija, is a businesswoman. Furthermore, Ashifa Bint Abdullah was the first woman to be appointed by Caliph Umar Ibn Alkhatab as a market inspector and manager. According to the Quran, men and women have the same spirit; there is no superiority in a spiritual sense between... the medium of paper... to create these false accusations. Muslim women have the same rights as men under certain conditions. Men have authority or take actions to protect women from harm. Islam believes in equality, in fact God has given men more strength. For example, if a thief enters the house, you will say: "I believe in women's rights, I believe in women's rights" - Will you tell your mother, your sister, your daughter, your wife to go and fight the thief? No, but of course you will fight them. So, in terms of physical strength, man is one degree superior to woman. In contrast, the mother is thrice preferred to the father because the mother is one rank higher. In conclusion, both Muslim men and Muslim women are equal. They are the same but not identical. They have equal rights and can work as long as they respect Islamic boundaries, rules and dress code.