Topic > Analysis by Carrion Comfort and Aubade - 1599

The speakers of both poems are no different than any other human being who has walked the Earth. “[Carrion Comfort]” shows the willingness to fight and transform suffering into a good thing, because only those who suffer can have eternal life. The biblical allusions and purposeful rhyme scheme highlight the wonder of God and his place in the suffering of mere humans. On the other hand, “Aubade” focuses on the more sinister side of death and never reaches a point of hope. The ending of the poem cuts off and makes the reader feel an unwelcome sense of finality about death. Religion became a common point of reference, but the idea took on two completely different connotations in individual poems. Is religion the saving grace for the human race? Or is it simply an illusion that veils the truth? Either way, the series of poetic devices can attest to both sides of the discussion about religion and how different people handle dark situations in different ways. However, both poems show the power that can be contained in a small amount of words if one only takes the time to decipher their meaning.