Internal recruiting is an organization to use employees currently employed in the company to recruit or promote them internally. External recruiting occurs when an organization searches for talented people outside the company. The advantages of internal recruitment are: easier to evaluate candidates as more information is accessible, less expensive and faster than an external search, the promoted worker already knows the company policies, culture and operations, indicates to workers that opportunities exist for career in the organization, increases worker morale and company loyalty, decreases expenses for some jobs (i.e., internal candidates are sometimes less expensive, especially at higher management levels), and decreases the likelihood that employees they get angry. The disadvantages of internal recruitment are: narrowing of thinking and stale ideas known as inbreeding), may not help the company improve, training will be required and there will be a learning curve for job duties, rejected candidates may become unhappy in the company and other workers will assume special management, difficult to develop quickly, affirmative action goals may be harder to achieve, a ripple effect, fewer candidates and restricted talent