Topic > Blind Obedience in George Orwell Shooting an Elephant

In George Clooney's 1950s-set film, Goodnight and Good Luck, a CBS news crew actively speaks out against Senator McCarthy and his views on "reform" of America. This film, based on a true story, depicts a time when the United States was in a period of paranoia and its members blindly followed the advice of a source who they believed would save them from communism. In the film, the main news anchor, Edward R. Murrow, along with his staff argue carefully against McCarthy and his ideals. They deliberately turned against him on live television, despite all the marketing and media pressure to conform to the senator. What sparked this rebuttal was Senator McCarthy's verdict that Murrow was a communist. The crew felt the need to rightfully inform the American people that Murrow was innocent and that, just like Murrow, innocent people were being accused in spite of others. Many people were afraid to go against McCarthy just out of fear, but once the CBS news team took the lead, people were not afraid to challenge the senator and do what was morally right.