This is due to fears that need to be overcome, personal doubts about whether or not one can meet the challenge, insecurities, and even some heroes prefer the safety of their ordinary world or not being willing to make changes. Hercules does not turn down the opportunity when it calls to him as he is eager to discover his place and not be criticized for his strength. When Katniss got the call to adventure she thought about running away, but admits it would cause more danger for her family. So she willingly accepts the dangers of the journey she is about to undertake and does not reject the call to adventure as she does everything in her willpower to keep her sister from harm, even if that includes sacrificing herself. Both heroes didn't refuse the call to adventure, albeit for very different reasons as Hercules wants to go on the journey and Katniss just wants to keep her family safe. When the hero has embarked on the journey, it is essential that he needs a guide, a mentor. The mentor gives them self-confidence, an insight into the dilemma they will face, an object of great importance, advice or practical training. The mentor provides them with the tools they desperately need to move forward and overcome the risks associated with the journey ahead