When the United States was first formed, immigration was accepted and even encouraged. Between the late 1880s and early 1900s, over 27 million people entered the United States, and only 2 percent were rejected. However, despite these staggering numbers, immigrants still faced hostility and poor treatment. Why has immigration always been such a controversial topic? Although immigration still occurs today, it is not accepted across the board. Equality, security and economic issues prevented the reforms from becoming a unanimous vote. Equality and fairness have always been an issue with immigration. People get very angry when they think about how illegal immigrants come to the United States; just jump a border and now you have the world of opportunity in your hands. Should these people be afforded the same rights as those who immigrated legally and spent months filling out paperwork and paying numerous fees? Should that same person be afforded the same rights as someone whose family has lived in the United States for generations and has deep roots? With this way of thinking it is clear that illegal immigration goes against every meaning of equality and fairness. But let's think about it more deeply, is it really that simple? As a famous man said “don't judge a book by its cover”. In order to immerse ourselves in this book we must first ask ourselves questions. What kind of background does this person come from? What kind of difficulties do they face in their daily lives? What drives them to make such a shocking decision? There are many different answers to these questions and none are the same, but there are three main motivations that drive these people to enter the country illegally. Most... half of the paper...... Msnbc.com. Msnbc and Web. November 17, 2013. Reporter John W. Schoen said: “The immigrants I have met appear to be hard-working, honest, respectable, family-oriented people, many of whom would make better citizens than some American-born citizens that I know. " (1) "Why illegal immigration is bad for America." Why illegal immigration is bad for America. European Americans United, May 13, 2011. Web. November 17, 2013. "Taxpayers are estimated Americans spend 12,000,000,000 dollars a year on primary and secondary school education for the children of illegal immigrants." (Negative illegal immigration 1)"The network trail widens: Administration clings to a bad immigration program despite local complaints." LINCCWeb SFX Services. The New York Times Company and the Web. November 17, 2013. We need to stop just talking about how to solve the immigration problem. immigration, but actually apply what we talk about (Extended network 1)